Supporting Breast Cancer

My step brother, Mr.Jamie Farrington, rapper and drinker extraordinaire (you may remember we recorded this together, did an amazing thing on Saturday. A few months ago his mum, who I have known since I was a baby, needed treatment for breast cancer. Jamie declared that should Janice lose her hair he would shave his head. I think a few of us took this lightly and I know everyone concerned wished Janice would not go through such a trauma. When she did then lose her hair, Jamie stepped up to the plate and stuck to his guns.

The following video shows him losing his much cherrished blonde and curly locks. Despite his despair, he has already raised £1600 for breast cancer. If you can feel how hard this was for Jamie, more importantly for his mum and the many other people who go through such an ordeal, please donate a small amount of your change here:

I’m glad to hear Janice is doing well. Big hug Janice! x

I’m off to buy J a hat!

And the final result:

Jamie with his mum after shaving his head
Jamie looking relieved after the event, with his mums support