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Seasonal changes

I am attempting to type through the constant coughing to tax my brain and ignore the strange liquid living in my lung at present. Yes, thats right, it must be that time of year where I get the worlds nastiest chest infection. I guess theres never an ideal time to be ill but I have had to miss a couple of things I was really looking forward to this week. Also there is a whole load of other feelings and emotions I go through, explained in a couple of blogs about 1 year ago. Mainly around work, I hate being ill from work and every day off I am just willing the medicine to kick in. Needless to say I have and will be off all of this week. Also the realisation of how my disability does effect me is a bit pants. However I remain positive.

Since the comprehensive spending review blog, I finished the working week with a chilled couple of drinks with @chegrimandi who used to work at Scope and @shameaboutreay who is soon to leave. My new PA did her first shift coming from Poland for the weekend and we just slept in both mornings and watched lots of bad tv. Was Sunday afternoon when the flu symptoms kicked in with a high temperature, aches and pains. By the middle of Sunday night my consistently weaker left lung started bubbling up and I kept waking myself with weird noises. So Monday I called in sick but also had to cancel something else – the fashion show. had asked me to model back in July. Despite some jokes, mocking comments and out there rumours (@smegfirk, @juniorc0 and @hellycopeland 😉 lol) of my outfit, I was so keen to be involved. I had heard on Friday night that my outfits were amazing and also every ticket was sold. I think a year ago I may have gone and probably ended up in hospital after. I did the right the thing by pulling out but was still so galling. I just saw the video footage and the show was amazing. A full house, the models looked amazing, the auction and the night a runaway success. Well done to my friend Tess Daly for doing this alongside fantastic achievement.

Oh yeah! Talking of weird parallels and how I was ill at exactly the same time last year, my car has been broken too. You may remember multiple blogs on this too. This time the oil light has been on and off, the tank wont take diesel and finally the doors wont close electrically. Its been over a week but I guess I haven’t needed it so much anyway. All fun and games.

I am going to head back to bad tv, lemsip and a nap I think. Would have been a work colleagues gig tonight but there will be more. I just hope I am fixed by the weekend and ready for action Monday. It is only 3 weeks tomorrow until I fly to California which will hopefully give me a boost for the winter months ahead. Hope everyone else is well and ready for a good weekend. Will check in again with some brighter news soon.