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A quick catch up

I haven’t time to either write, let alone ‘think up’ one of my big, thought provoking and world changing blogs today I am afraid. However having not written for a while I wanted to check in, say hi and bring you up to speed on the ever crazier world that is my life lately. Sorry, I hate people too who say “its just crazy”, but it bloody is.

Essentially I am plugging away on my final projects at Scope, gearing up for starting my business and developing insomnia. I think this is due to so many things going around my head. Understandable. I hope come July when I am concentrating on Sunnier Days, I can wind down on an evening and weekend, allowing some good sleep.

This said, I am feeling very buzzy, confident and excited about the coming change. I will dearly miss Scope after so long, but this is something I want to do and the time is right. Better to take a crazier risk at 27 without a wife and kids hey. For those wondering what I am actually doing – I am going to be focussing on delivering solutions for disabled people across all parts of life (equipment, care, education, work, travel and so on). Using new media and my personal experience you will see lots of cool new initiatives over the coming months. June is about working out my exact offerings, my costs (to still have a home and food) and to begin marketing. From July I will then have time to begin working with other organisations on improving life for disabled people. So many ideas, so little time!

I will continue writing my blogs and summer series articles. You just may have to bear me with this month. Since my last update, I was interviewed on bbc ouch for their podcast. It was around social media and disabled people. They billed me as the panellist out to make a million online. Would be nice but not likely. I explained how it is a social enterprise enabling my ideas to run sustainably, but not a venture to enable riches. I have also been approached by a production company following my relationships blog. I cannot say too much, I will not be ‘looking for love’ on tv, but watch this space on this one.

I did manage some work drinks and my friend Toby’s 30th birthday party at the weekend. All before a film fest Sunday and Monday, whilst I regained some energy before this week. With the accountant, bank manager, Local Authority and Access to Work caught up with the past evenings, I can relax until my strategy weekend with AJ and Melissa. This is always invigorating in terms of refreshing the website, magazine, direction and dreams for the coming months. The unknown is scary but intriguing. I hope you are prepared to follow the next steps of Sunnier Days, they are going to be huge! Catch ya soon guys…


  1. Looking forward to all you have in store Martyn and seeing your ideas make it to fruition. 

  2. Your life is busier than mine mate!  Suckers but can’t help loving what we’re doing hey.  Ps, mine is a black lambo if that million does happen 😉

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