As part of the Slater and Gordon #HospitalHelpingHand campaign, I want to share with you all some hints and tips on visiting a friend or family member in hospital. As you’ll see through my story below, my time in hospital was not the most pleasant, but it was important. Having visitors was crucial during this… Continue Reading
We Are Sailing
Over the past years I’ve managed to do many amazing activities. You know the ones. Flying a plane. SCUBA diving. Skiing. Hot air ballooning. Tree climbing. Having made a decision to spend more time in my home town. Just for a couple of months anyway 🙂 I wanted to ensure I still did fun things…. Continue Reading
A Marty-Festo for Global Inclusion and Personal Growth
Welcome to my latest post. A post sharing a kind of manifesto. My ‘Marty-Festo’ – see what I did there!? This means I’m going to share the experiences and lessons I have been through recently. Plus the present goals I want to achieve. My hope is also to spark new ideas for you, but only… Continue Reading
Storme Toolis – Sexuality and Stereotypes
I remember years ago, soon after I’d quit my day job in fact, being asked to moderate a talk at the BBC. It was for their staff. The talk was on disability and the media. The panel had disabled actors and production staff. The audience was packed with script writers, casting managers, and directors. My… Continue Reading
Access for all
When you are a wheelchair user like me, access is so important. Access to transport. Access to housing. Access to employment. Access to leisure and tourism. Without access we can’t move, live, work, learn, and socialise. Fortunately the world is gradually getting more accessible. New projects in transport and construction have accessibility regulations. The Equalities… Continue Reading
Suzanne Bull – Music Without Barriers
I’ve always loved music. I can remember sitting in the car with my mum and little sister during the school holidays. We’d drive around visiting friends. The cassettes were always playing loudly. We’d all be singing along. I also remember my dad taking me to a concert when I was around 10 years old. The… Continue Reading
It’s Now Time to Act
In recent years I’ve read up a lot more on the history of the disability rights movement. I’ve also read a lot about other civil rights groups. There’s many similarities. You need your demonstrations (with a touch of civil disobedience), you need your community leaders, and you need dialogue with the decision makers. Before the… Continue Reading
Liz Sayce – Community Participation and Universal Design
When I was due to go on work experience at school, I missed out because of my spinal fusion surgery. Not to be deterred, a year later I found my own placement in the school holidays. It took a bit of research and rejection. I found something in the end. I helped run the leisure… Continue Reading