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A Marty-Festo for Global Inclusion and Personal Growth

Welcome to my latest post. A post sharing a kind of manifesto. My ‘Marty-Festo’ – see what I did there!? This means I’m going to share the experiences and lessons I have been through recently. Plus the present goals I want to achieve.

My hope is also to spark new ideas for you, but only for you to use them on your own journey.

I’ve spent a lot of 2017 reading, listening and watching all sorts of educational information. I even attended seminars in Barcelona with Mindvalley U. All to improve my skills and knowledge. Giving me more tools to achieve my quest!

My quest, for some time now, has been to help gain true equality for disabled people. As you’ll know, there’s been improvement over recent decades for disabled people (transport, leisure, products and services are much better). You’ll also know of the sad regression in recent months. Without being too political, it is factually harder than 5 years ago to get vital care and independent living equipment.

This doesn’t even scratch the surface of difficulties other disabled people have faced.

I realised that my earlier studies on how other civil rights struggles were won, and how great victories in the disability rights movement were won, are still not enough. If I’m honest the government cuts and regression were getting me down. I really feared for my future, I felt helpless to other people’s pain, and my health started suffering.

It therefore made sense to sort myself out first! Taking me on a journey of personal development and growth. Which in turn has given me huge motivation, and tools to kick yet more ass in my personal quest.

You see, fear and division is a strategy used in societies for millenia. After these months of learning, I understand exactly what Steve Jobs meant when he said:

“When you grow up you tend to get told the world is the way it is and you’re life is just to live your life inside the world.

Try not to bash into the walls too much. Try to have a nice family, have fun, save a little money.

That’s a very limited life.

Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact: Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you and you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use.

Once you learn that, you’ll never be the same again.”

In starting with myself. Looking at my own health and happiness. I’ve been able to reconstruct certain beliefs, change my thoughts, my feelings, and improve my happiness. Pretty cool right!?

In learning how to do this, I realised that by sharing my newly acquired knowledge, I can support others to do the same. In the coming weeks and months you can read my blogs, listen to my podcasts, and watch my videos on all of this good stuff.

It is my hope that by showing people the uselessness and harm of fear, how we can construct our own beliefs, and find solutions towards our dreams – it’ll kick start a momentum towards global inclusion. Not just for disabled people. But anyone currently excluded and left on the outside.

All civilisations are man made. All laws and policies can be changed. Together humans can always improve society. In fact economic growth leads to better standards of living for all (we just need to keep an eye on climate change).

I want to finish by sharing the goals I’ve set for myself. They’re not all in a traditional SMART goals format (Specific. Measurable. Attainable. Realistic. Timely). They simply cover the areas of life I know to be important for myself to thrive. To support my health, happiness, and enhance my quest for inclusion.

My current goals:

1. To be physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually healthy – meaning good sleep, fresh food, exercise, hygiene, consume innovative ideas, learn relevant skills, practice daily mindfulness for gratitude, and have contact with interesting people.

2. To have a beautiful home & garden, plus the necessary care and equipment.

3. To have money for everything I truly want to own, do, give and create.

4. To be surrounded by love. To one day have healthy & happy children.

5. To globally promote societal inclusion and personal growth.

6. To always learn, travel, write, podcast, vlog, speak, connect and empower.

7. To regularly laugh, enjoy every day, and appreciate every experience.

If you already know your dream goals, I’d love to hear them from you. If you are not sure, just ponder it for a few weeks. It’ll come. Particularly as long as you don’t let fear and practicalities stop you.

I don’t know ‘how’ or ‘what’ will manifest from my goals. However in knowing what feels right for me, it’ll definitely happen. I’m sure of it. Mostly because I know my ‘why’ – I know my quest.

To understand more about the ‘golden circle’ and your ‘why’. Check out Simon Sineks TEDx youtube video.

If you struggle with the concept of mindfulness meditation, I recommend following this video every day with Vishen Lakhiani from Mindvalley.

It’s helped me to chill out from life and work stresses. Unfortunately stress is a huge health problem for many people today. I’ve also been able to create my goals from this daily practice too.

If you are excited to hear more on the topics of global inclusion and personal development – please do subscribe, follow me on social media, and comment on this post.

The topic of disability is ever present in my experiences from having Spinal Muscular Atrophy. However I want to open my ideas up more to all people. In the end disabled and non disabled people need to create inclusion together. Plus there’s many people without a disability who are looking for this information too.

Naturally Disability Horizons and Disability United will continue with our awesome disability specific content and projects.

For my latest personal initiative, there’s lots of ideas and projects coming. It is my belief that personal growth, leads to better collaboration, which leads to inclusion, resulting in better societies.

It appears Ghandi was right after all – “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”

Global greetings from Poland.


– World Changing Blogger and Author
Captain of Inclusion
Motivational Speaker
Adviser to Governments, Businesses, and Charities.
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