My fellow co-editor of up and coming magazine Disability Horizons and I decided to write an end of year article. I felt if I were to attempt a general news round-up it’d be shockingly stale and whilst I do have a reputable voice in the disability world; I decided to not pontificate on the past… Continue Reading
A romantic weekend
I find when thinking up blog topics, I swing like a pendulum. The summer is definitely more diarised as I am out and about, keen to share the where and how. Meanwhile in the winter I am watching the chest infections and staying in the warm – this leads to more ‘bigger picture’ blog topics…. Continue Reading
Why disability is a social problem and what you can do about it
Following my last blog post explaining the very new and never used before concept of ‘a day in the life of’ (ok so maybe it has been used once or twice), I tried to open up on how many inputs I require, to have the many outputs I enjoy. I also promised the next blog would outline… Continue Reading
They say I’m a dreamer…
I have been doing that ‘feeling bad’ thing when I realise I haven’t written a more thought provoking piece for my blog. Sometimes I think running a website on any particular subject matter can make you feel a pressure to be profound and revolutionary. Then, in the cold light of day, I realise how ridiculously… Continue Reading
Free 30 minute Skype call
If you hadn’t already picked up on this; I love supporting disabled people who know they truly can achieve their dreams, but for varying reasons keep hitting external barriers. I have learnt that with someone who: can listen and understand has hit those barriers themselves thought, strategised, planned and pushed onwards through sheer grit, determination… Continue Reading