Richard is one my best mates. We attended Coventry university together. Had many hilarious and intellectual conversations throughout. Rich is a political genius and I wanted him to write this piece around the recent media coverage of disabled people. I hope you find it interesting, helpful and wanting to question the status quo. Thanks for… Continue Reading
Definition: The occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way My interpretation: If you want something – do it. Despite the risks amazing things will occur I have just spent an amazing weekend with my good friends from ‘Misfit Inc’ ( – AJ and Melissa Leon. Almost 2 years ago… Continue Reading
A quick catch up
I haven’t time to either write, let alone ‘think up’ one of my big, thought provoking and world changing blogs today I am afraid. However having not written for a while I wanted to check in, say hi and bring you up to speed on the ever crazier world that is my life lately. Sorry,… Continue Reading
Summer Series – Relationships
Hello blog readers! You may remember I launched a new series of blogs called the ‘summer series’. The idea being to pull together my wealth of knowledge and experience of kicking ass in life, while doing so on 4 wheels. The plans are for broader blogs around education, employment, travel (locally and worldwide), learning to… Continue Reading
A bold and brave new beginning
I have to admit I sometimes stun myself by what I do in a week, but this update takes the biscuit! As the previous 2 posts show in video format, I attended the disability rights ‘Hardest Hit’ march last Wednesday, along with over 5000 other people. I am not going to write too much on… Continue Reading
Movie debut – Martyn Vs The State
Tomorrow is my movie debut. For those who do not know there is a rally, march and lobbying of MPs tomorrow in London. It is to protest against the welfare reform bill, which if passed will see a raft of negative changes to disabled people and their lives. Even as I write this I find… Continue Reading