My personal routine has remained stable throughout my blogging career. I work Monday-Friday, spend summer weekends partying, winter months dreaming and annual leave days abroad in the sun. This weekend has seen a catch up with fellow baby milk boys Srin and Vik, with me trying to motivate myself back into my extra curricular activities…. Continue Reading
One big weekend
We’ve had Cali, we’ve had the long winter of concern, we’ve had work blogs, we’ve had a few mates visit London, and we’ve had Cyprus. You think the past 6 months have been busy, wait for my weekend that just was! The proceedings started Thursday evening when my friend Eli from secondary school arrived from… Continue Reading
Cyprus – wheelchair friendly or bust
Another travel blog you say? I am thinking how I can make it different here. Well after my months of planning Cali and Vegas last year I was a little lazy. Good ol mum who has instilled the ‘get out and grab life’ attitude I have, booked it all. Originally planned for Egypt we changed… Continue Reading
Disability: Identity and Political Change
Welcome to my 200th post and its a big one! Did you all manage to read my guest blog post a couple of days ago? HossyLass was able to articulate a perspective of disability I am unable to. Not because of a moral or principal disagreement, but because our impairments (the correct word to use… Continue Reading
A different experience of disability
As mentioned, there is only so much I can inform and inspire around my daily routine. If anyone has questions on how I manage working, getting around London socially and travelling do get in touch. My past week has been working hard, seeing 6 friends from university in Camden Friday night, my mum and dad… Continue Reading
Personally, Politically and Possibility
You know it gets tougher to write new, innovative, non-repetitive and funky blogs. I guess when you have a routine of work, and (unfortunately) cannot travel every week, this is unavoidable. On the flip side, with random events, news articles and the variety we have in the world; the task is not impossible either. So… Continue Reading