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Martyn’s BIG WEEK

Hello and welcome to my big week! I’ve been tweeting like crazy but just havent had the chance to write a blog. I found out on Monday an article I have written is being published on e campaigning in Disability Now. Out 24th March and I had a pic taken especially for it too.

Wednesday I was offered tickets to the England game vs Egypt. Having not seen Alessandra for a while and agreed to go to cinema there was only one option. I said that I had tickets for a surprise and we werent going to the cinema after all. She loved the trip to Wembley stadium and the game but it was bloody cold. I couldn’t even feed myself with gloves and numb hands so she kindly assisted. We won 3.1 and Crouch scored twice 🙂

Thursday I had to prepare for an important meeting Friday of which I hope to have some great news on next Wednesday. I had to do a presentation and a lot of prep. I also spoke to AJ and Meliisa Thursday night about the event I am setting up as well contacted my local lib dem contacts about possible venues.

Friday the meeting seemed to go well. Then Shaz and I went out in Angel for ‘1’. we arrived 6.30 and were kicked out of the pub at 1.30, oooops. really great and funny night catching up with her. on the bus she fell asleep on someone while i was chatting to a Gillingham football fan promising to help him get off at the right stop. I realised his stop wasnt on the route and he should change asap. hope he found his way lol.

Yesterday I was presenting a 1 hour workshop at the Scope campaigns conference on e campaigning. luckily I had used my article to make my slides a week before and managed to deliver a great performance despite a slight hangover. definitely never drinking before any presentation again. the delegates were great and receptive, hope I inspired them in some way to go off and change something for the better. I am posting the video of my talk later here on my site. hope you enjoy too!

An amazing random thing happened too where a guy I met at uni from Columbia one time through a friend has a girlfriend who is now over in london. we had touched based on facebook to organise a meetup as David said she should meet me. she saw i was presenting at the conference and so booked a place and turned up. how cool is that???

so im heading to Angel to meet Alessandra and her brother who is over from Italy. will be nice to chill with them and then back to work tomorrow. at least im feeling human now unlike last night before having the most beautiful sleep.The Lib Dem candidate for Hackney north has asked me to stand for council in the coming election. wouldnt expect to win and so i am seriously considering a look into political life, more on this soon.lets see what next week may bring now hey.