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I need a holiday

As a good friend once said, you cannot run your body like a gas station, or something of that vibe. Basically life needs to be full of balance. Good sleep, food and exercise alongside fun, spontaneous/planned debauchery and lifes little treats. Occasionally I am guilty of working too much, lacking sleep and eating less healthily. This is when my body hits ‘empty’ and my attempts to blitz a recovery take a little longer than I would like.

Having worked Monday and Tuesday in the office I met a very nice lady Tuesday evening regarding disability consultancy. Having worked on Personalisation at Hackney and online campaigning with DisLib, it seems I can offer these skills to a wider audience. Therefore I have been asked to join their group of 12 associates, so that when ad-hoc work is requested I can add value with my experience towards their projects. Pretty cool hey.

Then I worked at home Wednesday before seeing Les Miserables, with my PA David. We ate at TGF Fridays and then went to the show. It was nice to do something ‘londony’ after a long winter of bad health early on, followed by staying warm and indoors. The show itself was amazing. Really gripping story line of the French revolution, people reinventing themselves and cracking performances by the cast. I would recommend it to anyone.

Thursday I had to work at home because my car ramp broke down and I had to wait for the mending company to arrive. They left at 3 so did not make sense to go in the office. Thursday night my good friends from New York stayed over on route to Africa, so we had a nice catch up. Friday I hit the wall! With a lot of prep work for my seminars ( (please sign up by the end of this week coming!) my energy was gone. I made it through the day in the office, attended the leaving drinks for @juniorc0 and left at 11. Such a shame as I would have loved another later/drunk night but my body needed down time.

So I slept lots the last 2 nights, caught up with my friend Nichola last night for a couple of Jack Daniels and garage tunes on youtube, before composing this blog today. I am still feeling weary and my body is slouching over the keyboard, but I realised this – my holiday to Tenerife is coming! That’s right, this Thursday I am flying to the Canaries for some pre spring sun. I leave with my PA at 4am but we’ll be there by lunch. Then I have that afternoon, all day Friday, Saturday, Sunday and finally Monday morning before returning. Sure this will perk me up after our loooong winter months.

You will notice in my blog I am trying to broaden the scope of my advice beyond myself. While planning my trip to Tenerife I came across this book and thought it might be of interest to the disabled travellers out there.

If I don’t check in before Thursday, the next blog will be the video blog from my trip. I have lined up an interview with a local disability service provider on the island to share with you too! Best wishes for now, Martyn