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Reflecting on Poland

I’m writing on a Sunday. A sunny August Sunday at Reading festival in fact. There’s so much going on at the moment it’s crazy! If you think I was in Spain till April, have been beginning a house move from London to Cambridge and was in Poland for 3 weeks; let alone my numerous work projects.

As I finish filming a festival video blog for later in the week, I’m having the first real digestion of my Poland trip and what it all meant. Here are my thoughts:

Poland intertwined a few occurrences. It was great to spend time with Kasia and her family. To have been involved in the ‘Dignity and Equality’ project was very important for my soul. Then to have been on stage at Woodstock in front of 500,000 people was something else. Please check out the video.

The things I enjoyed most were:

– meeting and hanging out with a great family

– trying and sometimes struggling with new food (not my strong point)

– learning bits of a new language and generally embracing yet another new culture

– fundraising and supporting disabled people in a worse political situation than the UK

– being interviewed live on national Polish radio

– going sailing and rolling in the forest

– meeting a psychic healer and trying out some new health supplements (this experience and thinking deserves a full post, so be patient and don’t judge, ok 😉 )

The aspects I began to miss about home were:

– comfort food
– my usual setup of hoist, shower chair and routine
– my bed

You can see how much I love travel, new projects and new people, but also coming home. I think this is very natural and typical for disabled travellers.

Every experience has a purpose. My next post will be on Reading festival, and then a very honest post of my John o Groats trip starting on September 4th. I’m nervous, but having survived many other ordeals I’m confident too. Plus excited of what may come.

Hope you’re all well. Do drop me an email by hitting reply or tweeting me on your summer adventures.

Best wishes

Martyn Sibley