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Published Author, Keynote Speaker and Accessible Travel Expert

I cannot believe it’s almost March. This year is flying by. I’ve been feeling guilty for not writing to you more. However I’ve been hibernating, planning and organising the coming months. Whilst this isn’t conducive to articles, it is going to provide loads of content for you very soon 🙂

Apart from my husky dog sledding and general cold antics in Finland, I’ve been mostly at home. One cool thing to mention is I’ve been attending creative writing evening classes (now I’ve really raised the bar hey!). It’s been great to write from my imagination and not just news on my blog. I’d recommend doing anything like this to shake up daily life.

Fortunately my health has behaved so far, and I can almost smell spring now. I’ve had the usual care, equipment, housing and financial anxieties. I guess I’m just learning to focus on what I can effect, and not on the things I can’t. It always helps having close family and friends to pick us up during these testing times.

Work Projects

Most importantly my travel plans and work projects are going full steam ahead.

There have been some changes. Around the turn of the year I stopped working for Accomable, and am focusing more on Disability Horizons and other projects. Srin and I are still in touch, and I wish him lots of luck with that venture.

Blogging and Disability Horizons

I’m planning lots of travels (as you’ll read later), so my blog will be full of exciting accessible tourism content. Disability Horizons has many new writers and articles on the boil, so keep in touch on with that.

Published Author

Finally my book is finished. I’m officially a published author! Feel free to purchase  ‘Everything is Possible’ on ebook or paperback here. Please do share with your networks too. It’s a travel book all about dreaming big, overcoming mental & physical barriers, and how to achieve your goals no matter what people say.

Keynote Speaker

In April I’ll be speaking at both the SMA Support UK and Naidex conferences. It’s a great opportunity for me to share my mission with old and new faces in person. I’m working on an awesome new accessible travel project just for you. This will be announced online just before the SMA Support UK conference, so watch out for that. Also at Naidex I’ll be signing my book and having photographs with the Disability Horizons community. Looking forward to seeing you there!


As much as I love being creative and social within my own projects, I am enjoying sharing my skills with others too. Collaboration with Andys Kars, SMA Support UK, Invacare and Lonely Planet are going great. Only next Wednesday I’m taking over the Lonely Planet Periscope from Cambridge. Hopefully you can join me?

Ferociously hot BarcelonaTravels

All work and no play makes Martyn a dull boy! So next Saturday we’re treating my mum to a theatre trip in London. Then I’m off to Spain in mid March with Kasia’s family. It’ll be great to get some sun, warmth, vitamin D and enjoy all the family times.

Then after the conference talks and the brand new project launch, I just secured a sponsorship from Brittany Ferries. On 1st May we’re sailing to Santander, driving to San Sebastian, Barcelona and Piemonte in Italy for accessible tourism projects. Followed by our visit to Kasia’s family in Poland.

So lots going on as always! Keep your questions, thoughts and ideas coming. Remember I do this for you guys… Don’t forget to subscribe to my websites and social media for all the latest news in disability, tech, leisure and travel. Keep on trucking.


  1. Great newsletter…. what is the event in Cambridge and Lonely Planet? Sounds interesting.. Thanks with kind reagards Verena ( Shared your book on our facebook page :-).

    1. Wow. Thanks for the share! If you keep an eye on my twitter feed (@martynsibley) on Wednesday 11am UK time you can watch the periscope live.

  2. Hey Martyn,
    You are certainly very busy, your plans sound great. Well done on the Brittany Ferries sponsorship, it’ll give us all a great deal of information, so a win for everyone. A couple of surprises here to… Accomable?
    I’m going to try to make it to Naidex, are you speaking on the trade day or public days?
    I’m glad you’re concentrating on Disability Horizons, it is such a great resource!
    Best Wishes

    1. Thanks Rob. Brittany Ferries seems to be fitting of another periscope broadcast? 😉 Accomable is purely about focusing our attentions. My talk is on Wednesday 27th. I’ll be there on the 28th too. Looking forward to seeing you there

  3. Congratulations for your blog and articles. I am planning a stage in England and I am wondering if you can help me with some travel questions. If it were possible, please contact with me at my personal email adress.

    Thanks a lot. Greetings from Spain.

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