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How to change the world – creative flow

Without ideas, what is there? We’d have a fraction of this world we experience. No buildings. No transport. No products. No services. No community. Nada.

Where does creativity come from then? Is it gifted? Is it waiting to be plucked from the atmosphere? Do we download it in our dreams?

Well, I don’t have THE answer. However I can share my experiences. The things that work for me.

Most importantly I read with purpose! This can be substituted for listen (podcasts) and watch (videos) with purpose. The key point is to eliminate the dross in the mainstream media.

We’re safer now than ever. Starvation, war and disease impact us less than ever. So purposefully consume things you’re passionate about. Things that are truly relevant. Things that help you join the dots and make the world better.

Being a world changer means looking at the bigger picture, using your imagination, and ultimately being positively creative.

I love those moments when time disappears. When we’re so absorbed by a task we lose our senses. Remember suddenly being aware of your hunger, thirst or need for the loo after creating something beautiful? Flow states are amazing experiences.

Here’s a video on staying sharp:

What do you do for idea generation?

Martyn Sibley

– World Changer @
– Author @ ‘Everything is Possible’ (on Amazon).
– Inclusion Captain @
– Presenter and Speaker @
– Adviser @ Governments/Businesses/Charities.

Also @ Twitter | Facebook | Linked In | Skype.
Mobile @ +44 (0) 7798 746551.