I’ve been on #holidaymode this weekend. Should I be working by writing this post on bank holiday Monday? For me, writing about disability inclusion isn’t really work. It’s more of a passion. Not always an easy one, but a necessary one.
I did take Saturday and Sunday to do two non work things though. Firstly I’ve deeply relaxed. Something I don’t do enough of actually. Even when I’m physically resting, my brain just doesn’t stop. So I’m learning and trying to actually recharge more. Nothing like a bank holiday weekend to do that.
I’ve also spent quality time with family and friends. Something I do regularly. However I’m aware sometimes with people that my mind wanders towards everything that needs doing. So again on this bank holiday weekend, I’ve applied some recent inspiration on being present and enjoying the moment we’re in. Not only the work moments!
From this recharging relaxation and presence with awesome people, I’m ready to go! There’s something about September isn’t there? Maybe it’s a back to school feel? A sense of new beginnings and new ideas? It’s also my birthday soon, so maybe it’s just the gifts 😂
Seriously though. I’m excited for a few things as we begin the transition from summer to autumn. Here’s a few points I’m keen to push forward:
1) The cost of living crisis is hitting and will hurt disabled people hard. I’ve got some ideas on tackling this with charities and government
2) Despite (un)popular opinion, we can achieve number one without adding energy to the BS pity party the media love, and also maintaining the empowering narrative of consumer inclusion (hello Purple Goat Agency 🙌)
3) I’ve been working on some TikTok ideas to educate brands about disabled people and consumer inclusion
4) My ideas around disability start ups and entrepreneurship are taking shape
5) The guys at Disability Horizons are doing awesome stuff on the magazine and shop. I’m excited to watch this grow
6) To continue this healthy balance I’ve uncovered this weekend
7) As I said in my last post – every day is a school day. I’m looking forward to learning more 💜
Image description: Martyn with his partner, his mum, and step dad. All looking and smiling at the camera. Sat around a dinner table with a kitchen in the background
#inspiration #people #learning #work #energy #entrepreneurship #startups #school #media #inclusion #writing

I too love the possibility that September brings and like Martin, have a September birthday.
Being a researcher into accessibility and inclusion of products and services, I am worried about seeing beyond the cost of living crisis whilst acknowledging its impact. There are tools and methods to do this, but nonetheless I’m expecting a very loud and firm voice underlining the role that cost has in enabling independence.