Over the years I’ve totally geeked out on both disability rights and civil rights. There’s nothing better than a leader building a movement, defying the odds, and beating Goliath. A big reason for me wanting to learn about this subject, is to inform my disability activism today. “We have to understand the past to shape… Continue Reading
How to change the world
Small acts of kindness
On Monday I went to Arundel house hotel in Cambridge for a client meeting. What a place too! Unfortunately there was a small (but big enough) step to the conference rooms. A couple of builders were working on the door. As we surveyed the barrier, they must have caught wind of the problem. We headed… Continue Reading
Ann Hawkins – Networking for impact
Networking has been around forever. Early homo sapiens understood that together survival was more likely. Literally. A tribe could more easily defend itself from predators. A tribe could hunt more effectively. A tribe generally was better than going solo. Today we don’t struggle so much with predators or going hunting. Aside from a pub fight… Continue Reading
Why So Serious?
Judging by my Goldie Looking Chain reference on social media recently, it’s fair to say I don’t think life has to be taken too seriously. But is that at odds with professionalism and productivity? Well, that depends. If your jokes lack humour, offend someone, or detract from your purpose; then yes it’s at odds with… Continue Reading
Depika Mistry – Intuition and Energy
My podcast started with disabled influencers, progressed into business and marketing for World Changers, and in the latest episode we venture into a different theme. In the end I want to share the many amazing people I have met and experiences I had. So you can take away from it whatever is relevant at the… Continue Reading
Resources and Impact
One thing I’ve learned is that influence doesn’t automatically mean resources or impact. For resources, a self employed World Changer needs money for their bills. An organisation making social impact needs money, people, infrastructure and so forth. But having lots of hits/likes/followers doesn’t automatically mean resources just fly in the door. Like it or not,… Continue Reading
Mastermind Your Life
Masterminds. An idea written about in Napoleon Hills Think and Grow Rich book. A concept I’ve toyed with for a while. Until Angus from Limitless Travel suggested we organise one. So I found 5 likeminded budding disabled entrepreneurs. We set a date. Which was today. 3 couldn’t make it. So Josh from Easy Travel Seat… Continue Reading
Always Reinvent
Reinvention is vital when seeking to change the world for the better. As you grow and new experiences happen, the same old ways may not be the answer. I’ve reinvented myself countless time. As a blogger, an author, a podcaster, a speaker, a coach. And who knows what next. But this is different to indecision…. Continue Reading