My podcast started with disabled influencers, progressed into business and marketing for World Changers, and in the latest episode we venture into a different theme. In the end I want to share the many amazing people I have met and experiences I had. So you can take away from it whatever is relevant at the… Continue Reading
Resources and Impact
One thing I’ve learned is that influence doesn’t automatically mean resources or impact. For resources, a self employed World Changer needs money for their bills. An organisation making social impact needs money, people, infrastructure and so forth. But having lots of hits/likes/followers doesn’t automatically mean resources just fly in the door. Like it or not,… Continue Reading
Bailey Richert – Infopreneurship
I realised recently I’ve been blogging for 10 years in August. Using such a relatively new tool has been hard from a business model perspective. Authors, radio producers, tv presenters, magazine editors all know how to get paid for their craft. Blogging has had to work all this out. Whilst I quickly found out I… Continue Reading
Mastermind Your Life
Masterminds. An idea written about in Napoleon Hills Think and Grow Rich book. A concept I’ve toyed with for a while. Until Angus from Limitless Travel suggested we organise one. So I found 5 likeminded budding disabled entrepreneurs. We set a date. Which was today. 3 couldn’t make it. So Josh from Easy Travel Seat… Continue Reading
Always Reinvent
Reinvention is vital when seeking to change the world for the better. As you grow and new experiences happen, the same old ways may not be the answer. I’ve reinvented myself countless time. As a blogger, an author, a podcaster, a speaker, a coach. And who knows what next. But this is different to indecision…. Continue Reading
Lanzarote and more
Here’s my past 2 weeks in some pictures: Sunny and I were left in charge for a couple of days, while Kasia did some World Changing. I’m really proud of Kasia for speaking at a conference in Poland, before catching up with her crew. I then left Sunny, with company, and headed to Lanzarote. Its… Continue Reading
Believe and Burn
You are capable to make any change you want. Believing that is half the battle. Keeping the fire burning is the other half. How are your World Changing projects going at the moment? Martyn Sibley – World Changer @ – Author @ ‘Everything is Possible’ (on Amazon). – Inclusion Captain @ – Presenter… Continue Reading
Seth Godin – Marketing as a philosophy
I’ve had a few mentors in my life. Some teachers. Some line managers. Some absolute idols of mine. Along the way I learned that we don’t have to meet someone to learn from their experience. I’ve ended up with mentors from blogs, books and film too. One of my role models is an American guy… Continue Reading