So this is the first of 3 blogs on my recent trip to the US of A. Part 1 will show the importance of planning and then layout the awesomeness that is San Francisco! ‘Awesomeness’ is a word as I heard it on American radio – ok. It is not unheard of to say planning… Continue Reading
A new beginning
First of all do not fear! This is not a “I went away for 12 days and found myself” blog. I am still the same old me. However probably due to the time away I did gain some clarity on my blogs. I know people follow because there is some fun stuff and inspirational… Continue Reading
Movember is Tashtastic
I was loathed to write another slightly down trodden health update blog. Quickfire words are still on antibiotics, lung feeling slightly clearer and keeping my chin up. So here’s a different blog… I partly kept my chin up by having my first shave of the month. I had a full on beard and it was… Continue Reading
Deja Vu
Nothing has happened since my last entry apart from a harrowing journey on Sunday. I looked back at when I was ill last year and it was at the end of October. Therefore the fact I am having another lengthy chest infection is the beginning of a parallel to that of this time last year…. Continue Reading
Comprehensive Spending Review
So the long awaited and highly debated spending review finally took place. I was asked by Scope if I would mind watching the coverage, write some tweets and have them fed into their website. Was a pleasure to take part in such an event and interact with others on the issues. The first wave of… Continue Reading
Checking in
I just checked my last blog and it was nearly 10 days ago. Worst effort since I began blogging. To be honest there has been much of the usual. No big trips or news from work, a couple of nights out but without any good or bad drama and really just continuing my chilled mode…. Continue Reading
The meaning of life :-p
For a rare occasion I am not going to waffle or give lots of detail of my recent activities. Mainly because I learnt after a blog many moons ago that as open as I am, some people like their news kept private. Quite right too. So in the realms of some privacy for the individual… Continue Reading
The last blog was actually a week ago. When I first realised I was concerned as I take pride in my regular contact. Then I realised partly ‘quality beats quantity’ and partly it was a sign of my new found self honesty. There have been many times the past year I have pushed my body… Continue Reading