Wassup peeps! Been a while hey… I filled you in last week before my political rant video and then explained all about my great day volunteering. Since I have been flummoxed (good word huh) with tiredness. I stayed in Tuesday night, was ill Wednesday from work, went to Runcorn for a work meeting Thursday and… Continue Reading
What is it all about?!
This is an article I have written for an international medical journal. It also acts as a reminder of why I keep this website flowing. Furthermore being quite sensitive I do like a reminisce! Hope you like it. Having read the article written by Patrick Moeschen I was inspired to contribute to the social model… Continue Reading
Scope Inclusion – my volunteering day
Happy Mondays! Just chillin here watching dragons den, bloody love it. wanted to say man how tired i looked in the political video yesterday and man man how annoying were the end moments??!! got interrupted so many times but wanted it done before i had to head. learnt the lesson of not rushing next time… Continue Reading
The power of Twitter
I have been a busy boy on Twitter this week. I have been chatting to some very interesting and inspirational people. I have also seen some cool videos and links. The amazing thing is after retweeting (sharing) these finds on Twitter I was contacted by 3 people on email from America no less. They all… Continue Reading
Stevey G and BA Baracus
Hey peeps, decided to jump on to keep things ticking, clear couple of bits up and say hi! Since the amazing plane experience I got my lie in Sunday before bashing out the toolkit. Its all about how to e-campaign with an accompanying training format that I will do in November a couple of evenings. Its for… Continue Reading
Up, up and away
Quick blog here as the video shows all. Make sure the HD button is off when having trouble with slow download speeds… Beyond the video I just want to say how I am still in awe of yesterday. To have been so well looked after, secured into the plane and have my needs understood with… Continue Reading
The disability balancing act
As many will know I have been making the most of the warmer, lighter, healthier summer months since about May by working hard (including external consultancy stuff), partying lots and visiting cool places. After the JTSMA conferences long weekend and going straight to work the Monday after I realised I needed a chill. So I… Continue Reading
Job vacancy
Unfortunately a member of ‘Team Martyn’ is moving onto new pastures. Mr. Chris Hennessy has decided after over 3 years of supporting me to work, travel, parties and other parts of my daily routine that he wants to move on to a new challenge. I am sad to see him move on but know its… Continue Reading