We are all aware of the high five http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_five and fist bump http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fist_bump as greetings right!? Without regurgitating the Wikipedia explanations, these two types of informal greetings are a part of our everyday lives. Influenced by sporting celebrities and embraced by the masses, they have often replaced the handshake in our everyday, social interactions. This… Continue Reading
I am officially a BadAss
You may remember, or even have wondered, where the professional photographs (that I now use on my profile pictures) came from? It was for the feature interview I did on http://blog.indoorboys.com/2011/03/13/martyn-sibley-positively-brilliant/. I mentioned in my article on ‘serendipity’ about how daring to put something out there can lead to randomly cool things. Well, following on… Continue Reading
First week solo!
I have little energy to write a massive post, but this week needs marking! Having recovered from the nostalgia of leaving Scope and the hangover too, Monday was my Independence Day https://martynsibley.com/independence-day It started by my being one of the official bloggers for the Institute of Fundraisings National Convention http://nationalconventionblog.posterous.com/. Having given up the place… Continue Reading
IOF convention and kayak paddles
Since my quick concoction of a video blog yesterday it has been a whirlwind 2 days and border line strange at 16.00 yesterday afternoon (I will explain the kayaking photo shoot later). I just made the IOF PR briefing for 8.30am. I had foreseen my first day in self employment along the lines of wake… Continue Reading