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DH Discounts: empowering disabled people through consumer choice

Introducing DH Discounts, a new site offering discounts on anything from mobility aids to accessible holidays. Read on to see what more the site can offer you, how it can help you make your money go further, and how by clubbing together, we can empower ourselves to demand more from companies.

Founded in July 2014 in response to Scope research, the independent Extra Costs Commission was set up to campaign and raise awareness about the extra living costs that disabled people face. Scope uncovered that disabled people in Britain spend an average of £550 a month on disability related living costs, a huge burden to bear, especially in today’s tough economic times.

To make matters worse, many businesses in the UK still don’t offer disabled people the customer service and competitive pricing that are on offer in the wider market. With the spending power of disabled people – known as the ‘purple pound’ – estimated to be worth around £212 billion to the British economy every year, businesses are really missing a trick if they fail to meet the needs of disabled people.

That’s why Scope, and the independent panel of business experts who are chairing the commission, are trying to encourage disabled shoppers to become savvier consumers.

Be a savvy shopper with DH Discounts

In today’s uncertain economic climate, when making money stretch further is a struggle, Disability Horizons have come up with a new way to help disabled people make the best purchases possible.

Whether you are shopping for a new wheelchair, or one of life’s little luxuries, such as an accessible holiday, DH Discounts is here to help you find the best deal.

DH Discounts brings together a collection of discounts, vouchers and special deals on a wide variety of products and services that disabled people want and need. Aiming to empower disabled people, the site will help customers to shop around, compare products and get the best price.

So whether you want to have your bathroom redesigned, or you’re hoping to jet off to an accessible holiday destination, DH Discounts is here to help you source the best deals that the internet and the high street has to offer. With an easy to navigate homepage, users can filter their search by category, or subscribe to the website to receive daily discounts straight to their inboxes.

The benefits for disabled people

As the DH Discounts website expands, users will also be able to learn about new companies, compare prices, and become savvier about their consumer choices. With links to and from our Disability Horizons main site, DH Discounts is a quick and easy way to grab a deal or hunt for a bargain.

As more and more businesses begin to sign up for the site, competition for customers will also lead to more competitive pricing and even larger deals. There may even be the option to bulk-buy products and services in order to drive down costs further and get a bigger reduction on the final price. The possibilities really are limitless!

Benefits for business

As well as helping disabled people to make the most of their money and hopefully cut down on that average expenditure of £550 a month, DH Discounts is also a great resource for businesses who are looking to learn more about their customers.

The Government has been trying to encourage businesses to capitalise on the purple pound lately, and in February, the Minister for Disabled People announced the shortlist for the Accessible Britain Challenge, which aims to reward businesses that meet disabled people’s needs.

The Department for Work and Pensions and DisabledGo highlighted how big a problem this was, when a survey of 30,000 shops and restaurants in Britain revealed that two thirds of retail staff receive no training in how to assist disabled customers.

As Disability Horizons contributor Fleur Perry points out: “I choose where I buy clothes and where I eat out almost solely on the basis of how accessible the location is to me. The simple fact of the matter is this: if I can’t easily get in and around your shop floor, I will take my business elsewhere.” This chimed with recent Scope research which revealed that as many of 75% of the 2,500 disabled people surveyed, had left a shop or business because of poor customer service. By connecting with customers directly on DH Discounts, businesses will be able to discover more about them, the deals they respond to, and what they want and need from businesses.

Scope research has also shown that disabled people are highly loyal to businesses that provide them with a good service, and are likely to return time and time again. With the five main markets where disabled shoppers spend their money being energy, transport, insurance, clothing, and specialised disability equipment, there is a huge opportunity here for a diverse range of businesses to get involved.

A call out to businesses, big and small

So whether your business is disability-specific, or involved in one of the sectors where disabled consumers spend the most, signing up to DH Discounts is a smart move on so many levels. Not only will it give you the opportunity to expand your market and improve your customer relations, you’ll also be reaching out to a lucrative market that could see you grab a slice of the £212 billion purple pound pie.

Signing up couldn’t be simpler, so why not visit the website, read through the FAQ and help Disability Horizons, Scope and the Extra Costs Commission to empower disabled people through consumer choice.


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