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Making Space with Keely Cat-Wells

If you haven’t already seen on my social channels, I’ve been back in to podcasting recently. Both on my own Martyn Sibley show, and as a guest on other shows too.

Recently I had a great conversation with Keely Cat Wells on her entrepreneurial journey, and her new start-up on the block, with Sophie Morgan, called Making Space.

We talked about so many interesting and impactful things on the episode.

You can hear the whole podcast here

And for captions with the video please head here

A couple of highlight points from this episode.

– One of the toughest parts of being a disabled entrepreneur is balancing health alongside the vast demands of launching a new business.

Looking back at almost 4 years at Purple Goat Agency, there’ve been many personal and professional challenges. The absolute secret to our success has been the team driving our company forward. Every. Single. Day.

I cannot express enough how brilliant people like Harriet Carroll, Dom Hyams, Dani Roberts and Dan Wilcox in our senior management team, as well as everyone else in the business, are for the success of our rockstar marketing agency.

This topic of managing health as a disabled founder and bringing in world class talent to the company came up in the episode.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and experience on health, work life balance, collaboration, team work and so forth. I know it’s something I’m continuing to learn more about and striving to improve upon every day at PG.

– Also Artificial Intelligence has been grabbing a lot of fearful news headlines recently. Alongside some weird and wonderful pieces.

In the podcast Keely made two really interesting points around AI and disability inclusion.

1) What positive use cases there are, and what cases could there be, for our community with this new tool?

2) How do we make sure disabled people are at the centre of the design process? To ensure accessibility and avoid algorithm bias.

What are your thoughts?

Don’t forget you can hear the whole conversation with Keely here

And for captions with the video please head here

Another interesting episode isn’t far behind this one and I’m writing an article for you about accessible housing. Stay tuned!