magbo system

Winter Transition and Next Global Adventure

October and November have passed in a flash! I always fall in to the trap of freaking out on why I’m feeling tired, and a little lower in mood in autumn. Then I look around at others, see my old posts from this time of year, and remember – its all a normal cycle we are heading in to winter.

Despite less of that summer buzz, I’ve fortunately been well with my general health. My strength has been ok too, even in the colder conditions. Plus my fear of winter chest problems have been kept aside by my much improved lifestyle.

Of course sleep and exercise always matter. But various foods, supplements and meditation have really helped me at this time of year.

Life Chores

I’ve been dealing with lots of life chores these past weeks too. The usual care management, equipment maintenance, house upkeep and financial accountancy have required many hours of input. But they are always the foundations on everything else I do.

Cruising in London with Kasia and her parents before the epic gig

Work Progress

Work has been as busy as ever, but so exciting and interesting. The advice and support from the Future 20 program has really helped us progress. Building on my freelance clients and speaking/presenting, Disability Horizons is impacting more people than ever.

We have some big news for 2020 from our inclusive marketing agency. I cant say too much now, but it will explain my relative silence online recently.

Big Gig

But its not all been health maintenance and life chores and work. We had our first and very epic concert with We Are Sound. Kasia and I joined this amazing choir in spring. All the fun effort of learning 20 brilliant songs culminated with a live band in London and 300 people dancing and singing along in the audience.

I’ve not done something like this since school. It really pushed my comfort levels. However the other guys are so friendly, it wasnt as scary as I thought. I’m looking forward to our next one in Cambridge on 19th December with Dame Evelyn Glennie for East Anglian Children’s Hospice.

We also hosted Kasia’s mum and dad from Poland. We always have such a great time together. I’ve had some nice catch ups with friends and family locally. Watching spurs, eating good food and generally making yet more happy memories together.

Not to forget binge watching and listening to lots of Amazon Video, Netflix and podcasts. Particularly Jack Ryan, The Crown, The Good Place and Under the Skin with Russell Brand.

Always Here For You

I hope your autumn to winter transition has gone ok. If you ever feel a bit low, always feel free to reach out to me. We can shoot the breeze and get that all important perspective.

Next Global Adventure

By the time this goes out I’ll probably be packing. Yes, after a few quiet travel months I’m off to Qatar. Well after various media appearances in Cambridge for international day of disabled people on 3rd December. The trip is 4th to 9th December for an international congress on Disability and Development. Looking forward to sharing that with you.

Martyn Sibley

– World Changer @
– Author @ ‘Everything is Possible’ (on Amazon).
– Inclusion Captain @
– Presenter and Speaker @
– Adviser @ Governments/Businesses/Charities.

Also @ Twitter | Facebook | Linked In | Google+