I have been doing that ‘feeling bad’ thing when I realise I haven’t written a more thought provoking piece for my blog. Sometimes I think running a website on any particular subject matter can make you feel a pressure to be profound and revolutionary. Then, in the cold light of day, I realise how ridiculously… Continue Reading
Free 30 minute Skype call
If you hadn’t already picked up on this; I love supporting disabled people who know they truly can achieve their dreams, but for varying reasons keep hitting external barriers. I have learnt that with someone who: can listen and understand has hit those barriers themselves thought, strategised, planned and pushed onwards through sheer grit, determination… Continue Reading
A day in the life of…
During some recent discussions, I realised that the positive impact of my being disabled, living life to the full and not dwelling on the ‘cannots’ can also be misconstrued. In my next post I am going to explore disability as a social problem, lay out my proposed solutions and show how we all play different… Continue Reading
Facilitating a workshop on digital inclusion
“Today the Big Society Network (http://thebigsociety.co.uk/) and the Network of National Volunteer-Involving Agencies (NNVIA – http://www.csv.org.uk/about-us/strategic-partnerships/nnvia) brought together inspiring social entrepreneurs , known as Nexters, to showcase innovative ways of using social media to strengthen communities, particularly excluded or isolated groups. The Nexters, who are part of the Big Society Network, are charged with developing new ways to enable… Continue Reading
The Hardest Hit
Evening everyone. I hope you have all been to, shown support for, or at least been aware of the hardest hit marches today? If you are on twitter checkout the #hardesthit hashtag and get up to speed on the days events here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-15399724. I had an unfortunate turn of events after returning from my great trip… Continue Reading
You sent me to… Edinburgh!
Greetings blog readers! For those viewing this soon after I had written this post, it is Monday 17th October, and for my lovely subscribers receiving this via email it is Tuesday 18th October. However you came to read this I hope you are all well. As you will have no doubt seen or heard, its… Continue Reading
Keynote speech: New media and New disability horizons
You may have seen on Twitter and Facebook that I delivered a keynote speech last Friday? AJ and Melissa put me forward to their friend Phil McKenzie as a speaker for his amazing project http://www.influencercon.com in NYC, LDN and Berlin. The 40 minute speech outlines my story, how I dealt with being disabled, the way I… Continue Reading