A bit more than 3 years ago, in February 2020, I was in Tenerife on a typical winter sunshine break. Covid was on further away shores. I’d been getting a lot of momentum in the media and as a speaker. Plus I’d been getting a lot of clarity on a way forward around disability inclusion… Continue Reading
Purple Power
Embodiment and Archetypes
It’s been really fun getting back to podcasting. I’ve done two interviews already this year. Both focusing on the topic of personal development for disability inclusion. There’s lots of plans to bring in disabled activists and entrepreneurs next. But sharing Richard (last episode) and now David’s wisdom and tools was the perfect way to kick… Continue Reading
Shifting Perspectives
I’ve been doing some serious procrastination over my Purple Power newsletter. So I’ve decided, through a bunged up Sunday afternoon, to just write whatever comes out. Apologies if the outcome is more akin to my cold 😂 It’s actually quite similar to when I launched my blog in 2009. I had so many things to… Continue Reading
Gene Keys to unlock inclusion
As a wheelchair user, disability activist and social entrepreneur I’m unwavering in these two perspectives – I didn’t choose to be born with Spinal Muscular Atrophy, and I can be more included in society by designing a barrier free world (no steps, no discrimination, no red tape). However theres another part of my personal and… Continue Reading